Life is Splendid (for Michael Brown)

Life is splendid…just not here
where we languish in
worlds not our own
Gods we do not believe
laws that do not protect
medicines that do not heal—our souls,a universe-ity of pain;
modernity’s avatar for death.

Life is splendid…just not here
where we perish(for) in land stolen,terms we reject…or once did
life sentences, and
death penalties for all—those who do not believe,
in a world that can change,
in a world where love reigns,
where to love was to live
more abundantly.

Life is splendid…just not here
where we struggle
for that something we can “feel, but never fully explain”;
new possibilities.
For something realer than this reality
where humanity means more than using“others” as instruments
and power is the ability to care
love is the reproduction of Life.
we promise to live for that Life.

Life is splendid…just not here
where other humans
are subhuman
where our common bonds
disintegrate toward ends
we do not, cannot share.
Where we assume violence is human.
But after all, for all we know
we are our ancestors,
great clouds of witnesses,
for we know the Creatoris in harmony with us;
there is a master plan,
for we know there is unity of all living things,
for we know death exists—only in cycles of Life—
Cycles no human has the right to disrupt.
For Maat is.

Life is Splendid…if you let it be.
